Breast Procedures Des Moines | Breast Augmentation Iowa Breast Procedures Des Moines | Breast Augmentation Iowa

Breast Procedures Des Moines

Conveniently located to serve Des Moines

Interested in undergoing a breast procedure? We offer a variety of breast surgeries to achieve patients’ aesthetic goals. Breast procedures at Des Moines Plastic Surgery include breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, breast implant exchange, and male breast reduction.

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation involves volume-based enhancement of the breasts using silicone or saline breast implants. Placement of these implants results in an increase in breast size and projection. Dr. Robbins helps patients choose their ideal breast implants, working with them to determine the optimal implant type, size, shape, texture, and profile. Read more
Breast Lift

Breast Lift

A breast lift, also called a mastopexy, focuses on the removal of excess skin and tightening of the remaining skin to reduce breast sagging. This procedure makes the breasts look perkier and resolves shape asymmetries. The areolae and nipples can also be resized and repositioned. Read more
Breast Procedure - Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

With a breast reduction (also known as reduction mammoplasty), oversized breasts can be reduced in size. This is incredibly important for women suffering from the physical, emotional, and social effects of oversized breasts. Thanks to this surgery, chronic pain, rashes beneath the breasts, painful bra-strap indentations, and posture issues can all be addressed. Read more
Woman wearing a white bra - Breast Procedures

Breast Implant Exchange

For breast augmentation patients, a breast implant exchange surgery is typically needed every ten to twenty years. This procedure replaces breast implants with new implants. Breast implant exchange is also necessary in cases where implants have experienced a rupture or a leak. Additionally, it can be performed when a patient is interested in changing their implant type, shape, profile, or size. Read more
Man posing - Male Breast Reduction at des Moines

Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is a condition where excess tissue causes the male chest to take on the appearance of male breasts. This can be due to any combination of excess glandular breast tissue, excess fat, and excess skin. To remove the excess tissue, a male breast reduction is performed. This procedure re-contours the male chest to restore a more masculine appearance. Read more

Before & After Photos

Before & After
Before & After

* Individual results may vary.

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Before and After Photos of breast procedures at Des Moines Plastic Surgery™.

Your Breast Procedure Consultation

During your consultation with Dr. Robbins, the two of you will talk about your goals for breast surgery. He will perform a physical examination, and photographs may be taken as a reference. Additionally, Dr. Robbins will ask questions regarding your medical history. This can include current medications and supplements, allergies, and pre-existing medical conditions.

Once you have been found to be a safe candidate for your chosen breast procedure, Dr. Robbins will create a surgical plan. He will go over the details of the surgical plan, including aftercare steps and preparation instructions. Questions are highly encouraged at this time. Finally, a date will be set for the chosen procedure.

The Cost of Breast Procedures

Breast procedure cost is impacted by the total time needed to perform the surgery, along with the exact techniques utilized. The price of breast implants can affect the total cost of the procedure, as can anesthesia fees.

Contact Us to Learn More

Get in touch to find out more about breast procedures at Des Moines Plastic Surgery. You’ll meet with Dr. David Robbins, a quadruple board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon with over 15 years of experience exclusively in cosmetic surgery. Schedule your consultation today.


Who is an Ideal Candidate for Breast Surgery?

Ideal candidates for breast surgery are generally in good health, have realistic expectations, and seek improvement for specific breast concerns such as size, asymmetry, or sagging.

How Do I Choose the Right Size and Type of Breast Implants?

Choosing the right size and type of breast implants involves considering your body type, aesthetic goals, and discussions with your surgeon, focusing on silicone or saline options and the desired shape.

Can Breast Surgery Affect My Ability to Breastfeed?

Breast surgery can impact breastfeeding depending on the procedure and technique used, with certain approaches preserving milk ducts and nipple sensitivity more than others.

Will Breast Surgery Leave Scars?

All breast surgeries leave some level of scarring, but the visibility can vary; surgeons aim to minimize and strategically place incisions to reduce noticeable scars.

What is the Recovery Process Like After Breast Surgery?

Recovery timelines can vary, typically ranging from a few days to several weeks, with detailed care instructions provided to promote healing and a gradual return to normal activities.

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Help us give a special shout out today to Payton!

Payton leads our front office and for many is the first person you connect with at @dsmplasticsurgery 😊 

We so appreciate her support for all guest related questions and coordination for our team and surgery schedule. She’s the “gatekeeper” to all of it and a rockstar at what she does!

Happy #administraiveprofessionalsday — we appreciate you Payton!

#desmoines #employeeappreciation #desmoinesplasticsurgery

Help us give a special shout out today to Payton!

Payton leads our front office and for many is the first person you connect with at @dsmplasticsurgery 😊

We so appreciate her support for all guest related questions and coordination for our team and surgery schedule. She’s the “gatekeeper” to all of it and a rockstar at what she does!

Happy #administraiveprofessionalsday — we appreciate you Payton!

#desmoines #employeeappreciation #desmoinesplasticsurgery

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